Why You Should Attend Antenatal Classes

Why you should attend antenatal classes
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, it’s a good idea to consider attending antenatal classes. Why? Because having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to ensure you have a happy and healthy birth experience and you can never be too prepared.

Attending antenatal classes will give you and your partner an opportunity to ask questions you don’t always remember at your regular pregnancy check-ups, and you’ll meet other expecting parents and make new friends too. Plus, birthing experts are at the forefront of new technologies, trends or birthing practices so it’s a great way to gather new information without having to do the research yourself.

When to start antenatal classes
A good time to start these classes is between 22 and 26 weeks, when there’s still sufficient time to make important decisions about caregivers, clinics and birth options.

Your antenatal class instructor will also be able to give you valuable advice to help you prepare for the first six weeks after birth, including breastfeeding information, which postnatal supplements to take etc.

Benefits of antenatal care
In addition to seeing your gynaecologist for regular scans and check-ups, here’s a few more reasons why you should sign up to antenatal classes or a course.

It boosts awareness which can help to prevent complications. A small minority of pregnant women develop complications such as hypertension and diabetes. If you’re under the watchful eye of healthcare experts, any complications will be picked up early and you’ll be monitored and treated accordingly.

Antenatal care also gives caregivers a chance to explain things in more detail. For instance, you might discuss the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Antenatal classes will help you to gain insight and get fact-based information on your pregnancy, birthing options, breastfeeding and caring for your new baby so you can make informed choices.

Antenatal classes also give partners an opportunity to understand the whole process of pregnancy, birth and early parenting.